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Image by Aaron Burden


Live O2 Oxygen Training

Live O2 Oxygen Training is a tool to assist people as they move towards optimal health and a life without dis-ease. Live O2 has been clinically shown to reduce inflammation which reduces the formation of free radicals. An imbalance of free radicals can lead to oxidative stress.

What does a Live O2 training session involve?

When someone comes to do Live O2 Oxygen Training they will do 15-minute training sessions while having an elevation in heart rate and respiration. The participant will have a mask on and will be breathing 85+% oxygen while exercising on a stationary bike. This system will elevate the amount of oxygen in the blood plasma, allowing an individual to become supersaturated with oxygen. As participants work through the training levels, they will alternate between 85+% oxygen to 13.7% oxygen. This system of alternating is known as adaptive contrast; switching to low oxygen for periods of time increases the amount of oxygen dissolved in the blood plasma, as well as producing more red blood cells. The increase of oxygen in the blood plasma allows oxygen to reach parts of the body that red blood cells cannot. This in turn targets and eliminates inflammation, first in the vascular system, then the joints, and finally the organs.


Individuals will work through the levels starting with novice, moving to beginner, intermediate and then advanced. Once these levels have been completed then further protocols can be performed including Brain O2 (which can assist with traumatic brain injuries, concussions, or brain diseases like Alzheimer’s), High-Intensity Interval Training (assisting in boosting the immune system, strengthening the body, and more), and the Sauna Protocol (an effective tool for people who are too weak or unable to exercise).

Oxygen Helps the Following Conditions and/or Recovery Time:
  • Flu​

  • Sports Injuries

  • Migraines and headaches

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Cancer

  • Chemotherapy

  • Emphysema

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Wounds that won't heal

  • MS

  • Skin conditions

  • Eye diseases

  • Concussion

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Allergies

  • Asthma

  • Arthritis

  • Surgery wounds

  • and much more .....

Live O2
Far Infrared Sauna

Far Infrared Sauna

The Far Infrared Sauna is a medical grade sauna, emitting 99% pure infrared rays with no off gassing or electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. This sauna heats the body rather than the air around it, allowing it to penetrate the skin, then the tissues, and lastly right to the bone marrow. This process helps to eliminate toxins and detoxify the body.


Additionally, the advantages of hyperthermia heat sessions are:

  • Increasing body temperatures kills tumors, bacteria, viruses, and fungi

  • Helps to improve the immune system, especially the white blood cell count

  • Sweating promotes normal tissue growth

  • Sweating will stimulate those natural killer cells; these killer cells disrupt or kill the signals of cancer cells

  • Close to 100 identified symptoms (physical, emotional, and mental) have been identified for which far infrared saunas have been shown to be effective

Far infrared energy is absorbed by the cells and causes the cells to vibrate, or what is known as resonance. When this resonance begins, they become compatible with cellular frequencies and the cells are instantly invigorated, leading to better blood circulation and enhanced metabolism. Through this resonance absorption, toxins are expelled through the kidneys, liver, and hair.

Far infrared saunas have been shown to be safe and available for use on a daily basis. Far Infrared Saunas used in conjunction with our Live O2 Oxygen Training will target and eliminate inflammation in the body, allowing a person ease in their life rather than dis-ease.



Many factors need to be taken into consideration when determining what vitamins and minerals your body might benefit from the most. Some factors to consider are medical conditions/diagnosis, stress factors in your life, nutritional support from your food, exposure to toxins in your environment, and several other factors. While keeping this in mind, it is helpful to understand that your red blood cells are replaced by new red blood cells approximately every 120 days. If during this time of renewal, the body can receive any depleted or supportive vitamins or minerals then there will be renewed health and vitality.

We stock supplements from our trusted suppliers, Metagenics and NAKA.


Metagenics has over 300 scientifically formulated products with several having PubMed Research Publications. Each product is labelled for accuracy and transparency and in addition, each batch is tested to ensure the highest quality. If a batch does not pass their extremely high standards then the batch is discarded; ensuring you always receive the best for your body and mind.

Additional highlights from Metagenics:

  • Several gluten-free formulas

  • 120+ vegetarian products

  • Non-GMO

  • Colours from naturally derived sources

  • No artificial sweeteners

  • GMP Certified – certified annually by three independent organizations

Health Coaching

Receiving guidance when starting a new venture can have a profound impact on the outcome. Through this transformation there can be challenges at a physical, emotional, and mental level. There will be strategies and suggestions given on each of these levels, whether guidance in nutrition is needed or learning to calm an overactive mind. It is important to have the necessary supports in place and this support can come from a number of sources. This support needs to encompass the body, mind, and spirit.

Guidance, information, and support will be given in:
  • Optimal Nutrition

  • Oxygenating your body

  • Alkalizing your body

  • Detoxing your body

  • Calming the mind with meditation or breathing techniques

  • Immune Boosting

  • and much more

Blood Typing

Blood typing is a quick and simple way to determine if you are A, B, AB, or O blood type. Understanding your blood type can assist in choosing foods that are going to be more easily digested and assimilated by your body, ultimately leading to a healthier body and mind.

In fruits and vegetables, there are what are called lectins. Based on your blood type, you can either easily digest and assimilate the nutrients from the food or your body is unable to do so, resulting in poor digestion, assimilation, and inflammation in the gut. In addition, the stomach has a certain amount of stomach acid based on your blood type, enabling you to easily digest and assimilate nutrients from meat if your stomach acid is high, or not if your stomach acid is low.


We can also provide a laminated, easy to reference sheet based on your specific blood type. This will allow you to gain further control of your health and overall well-being.

Health Coaching
Blood Typing
Quantum Biofeedback

Quantum Biofeedback

Everything around us is energy and everything has its own unique frequency, from our organs, brain, muscles, bacteria, viruses, and even our emotions. With Quantum biofeedback, Dr. Lucas is able to scan the body and mind for up to 7000 different frequencies, to determine any imbalances, then develop an individualized program to balance the frequencies in the body and mind, restoring harmony. When the body receives these frequencies, it gives the immune system the needed balancing to restore health.

Biofeedback sessions can assist with:

  • Stress Reduction

  • Relaxation

  • Digestion

  • Sleep

  • Pain Management

  • Emotions

  • And so much more.....

But How?

People question how this can all actually work, especially at a distance and this is where understanding quantum physics is needed, or at least believing in it.

The technology and mathematical algorithms within the software are based on quantum physics and quantum mechanics, which is at a level smaller than atoms, essentially this is empty space made up of energy. This energy is known as the quantum field or consciousness. There is no individual consciousness, just one which makes us all connected. Now consider yourself consciousness using a physical body and brain rather than a physical body and brain using consciousness.

There are three concepts within quantum physics:

Non-locality refers to the ability of objects to instantly know about each other's state, even when separated by distance. Einstein coined this as "spooky action at a distance".

Non-locality transpires as a result of entanglement through energy patterns that are carried through consciousness. These energy patterns entangle with other energy patterns, influencing and being influenced. Within consciousness, time and space do not exist as we understand it.

The last concept within quantum physics is discontinuity. This is also known as a quantum leap, where an electron goes from one atomic orbit to another without going through the intervening space. This has been seen many times but could be identified as a placebo, spontaneous remission or faith healing.

All of these concepts have been scientifically proven over and over again.

Feeling It:

When trying to understand energy and frequencies, consider how you feel when you walk into a certain place or when you are around certain people and their moods. They exude a certain frequency that is vibrating at a high level or a low level. Happiness and health vibrate at a high level, as well healthy food and alkaline water. Disease and sickness vibrate at a low level, and you guessed it, unhealthy food and acidic water vibrate at a low level. This also goes for loving, positive, hopeful and optimistic attitudes compared to hateful, despair, pessimistic and negative attitudes. So, feed your body and mind high vibrations to achieve health and happiness for your mind and body.


Creating Change: 

This is where quantum biofeedback can be so helpful because it pushes and shifts the energy frequencies within the body and mind. Sometimes people get stuck and have difficulty starting the shift in their frequencies but once things start moving with the assistance of quantum biofeedback, people start to shift to health instead of dis-ease.

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